Friday, April 1, 2011

A little catch up...

So we went on vacation, I posted when we came back and then I fell off the planet. Let's just say the last two weeks for me have been difficult. We came back from Carmel that Sunday night and I casually went through my photos for the next couple days expecting to post them by that Friday. No big deal, right? 

Wednesday night it was about 10:30 and we were already in bed. I realized I was dying of thirst all of a sudden so I came downstairs for some water. I noticed Sophie, my cat, pacing at the back door. I went over and turned the patio light on and there was another cat sitting out there. Sophie's tail was puffed up, but she was meowing with her playful meow so I thought nothing of picking her up. After about 10 seconds I went to pet her head and as my hand got in front of her face she snapped and bit me. For real. Let me tell you, I've had cat bites before, but I knew instantly that this one was different. I ran upstairs to see the damage and was shocked to see two gaping wounds. One tooth went right in the meat of my palm and the other went in my wrist under my thumb. The one under my thumb was so deep it was just purple and didn't even bleed. Being the smart girl I am I consulted with Dr. Google. "Wash the wound and bandage." I did exactly that and figured I'd just see what it looked like in the morning.

By 1:30am I was wide awake and in agony. Oh, did I also mention this was my RIGHT hand?? I tried to go back to sleep, but that wasn't happening so I ended up on the couch with it elevated. When I got up that morning and took the bandages off (and felt the extreme pain and swelling) I knew I should probably call the doctor. They didn't hesitate and wanted me to come in immediately. The doctor started looking at it and pretty much gave me the third degree about not immediately going to the ER when it happened. Apparently it was more serious than I expected. She wanted to clean the two wounds out which didn't sound like a ton of fun. Annnnnd it wasn't. The numbing shots at each spot were so painful. She then dug the wounds out and they had to irrigate them with a TON of solution and a big pointy syringe. There was already a fairly large purple section growing up my arm so within 12 hours it was for sure infected. She made me come back the next morning with a promise that if it felt any worse over night I would go to the ER. The next morning she did think it looked a little better, but wanted to go through the entire cleaning process again. Man, that hurt so bad and keep in mind I can only take one 500mg Tylenol every 4-6 hours right now!

So now it has been 16 days and I'm still only about 90% better. I had to keep my hand elevated 24/7 with a brace on it for 10 days alone. The pain that I felt was as bad if not worse than when I broke both of my wrists. For days I couldn't do anything! I couldn't get Carson strapped in the car seat, couldn't do sippy cups, couldn't even dry my own hair! I couldn't put any pressure at all on any of my fingers so I quickly found out how hard it is to just have one hand. My wrist still feels bruised, the wounds haven't even healed yet and my thumb gets really achy by the end of the day. 

Needless to say, I haven't been on the computer much at all for two weeks! Oh, and I couldn't even look at my poor camera. Thank goodness I had my iPhone so I wasn't totally out of the loop. I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. I'll hopefully have vacation photos ready to post soon. Here are a couple cell pics for the time being:

Sleepy dude
LOL - See my arm up in the air in the corner? haha

Okay, the other thing is that today is April 1. Somehow that means this is the month that my little baby is turning 3. I've also had some serious camera withdrawl so I have decided to do a little photo project. I am going to take a photo of him every day in the month of April to post, aside from any other stuff I would shoot or post regularly. (Honestly I want it to force me back on the blog-wagon too!) I'm not making any promises that I won't mess up, but I'm really really going to try.

Today is also the last regular day of Carson going to daycare. He'll still go there when needed, but we've had a good 6 month run and I'm ready for him to be home with me. This is good timing with the weather getting nicer, getting serious about being totally potty trained and not being tied to a schedule right now. I am excited to spend the next three months just with my little man before the inside baby decides to come out and play. Yesterday was 28 weeks so I literally only have three months to go!

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Holy cow!! Who knew a kitty bite could do so much damage!! Hopefully you are feeling better!