Friday, April 15, 2011

April Photos: Day 15

After the last two days I knew it was time for us to get out of the house today. We have a big home project planned for the weekend (......YAY!) so we took off this morning to go buy paint and supplies. Then we went to the mall, walked around, spent quite a while in the play land and had lunch. We came home for nap time and cleaned up the house some while we waited for Carl. Tomorrow we are finally going to paint the office walls which is one of the very last places not painted in our house, other than the laundry room and guest room. I always thought I'd want it a different color, but finally came to the realization that it should match the rest of the level. I'm just ready to have it painted. We have so much work to do tomorrow and then the carpets are all getting cleaned Monday morning.

Carl came to get us after work and we headed out to the furniture store. Before hand we grabbed some dinner. We were right next to a Sonic so Carl asked Carson if he had any room for ice cream. Carson answered, "I'm really full, but we need ice cream!" Carl asked him if he had an ice cream pocket too and Carson just nodded his head. Ice cream it was. I love being to the point where I don't care if he's messy because I can tell how happy he is in the process. 

This was just the beginning of the cone, as you can see. It got much worse from here.
And this is also what we call "cheese face" because when you tell him to look at the camera he makes the most fake smile and says, "CHEEEEEEESE".
IMG_9679 famblog
Because the office will be shiny and new, I finally decided that it was time to buy the desk I've been wanting. I spend SO much time in this office and it's been the biggest eye-sore of the house. I have had no way to organize the desk, hide computer equipment and cords etc etc etc. The new desk unit will show up on Tuesday and I'll be in business! I'm so excited to get it done the way I want so I actually want to be in here. I have photos to hang and so many ideas that have gotten shelved because the big stuff wasn't done. It feels like Christmas is coming!! :)  We also ordered a dresser for the new changing table. I've shopped high and low for one that matched and was the right size without much luck. Finally we found something that is technically a media cabinet, but is a piece that is part of the dresser set in Carson's room. I hate all the actual "nursery" furniture that's out there, especially since it looks like baby furniture. I'd rather spend the money on a piece we can use in our house for the long run. The bad part is that it was back ordered until the end of May, but that is still enough time.

Okay, now I'm tired from thinking of the next three days..........

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