Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Photos: Day 19

Yesterday was dominated by some deadlines. I had our big proposal extended to yesterday afternoon so of course that equaled a bunch of other work to get done in a crunch. Plus our new desk was coming sometime in the afternoon so I was trying to loosely time it all along with nap time so nothing got screwed up. Somehow everything fell into place even if it was sort of a stressful day. 

Since the office has been cleared out I've had my laptop set up on the kitchen counter. Carson of course "just has to work" over and over and over during the day. He hasn't done any real damage, but enough to annoy me. The real problem is the header he took off of the rolling, spinning office chair on the wood floor. I have warned him so many times to be careful since the chairs are so unstable on the wood, but it is too fun to get "stirred". That's equivalent to being spun in Carson language. The time he really went over the edge head-first I had something in one hand and luckily caught his forehead mid-air with my other hand. He banged his knees, but I at least saved him from a nice bump on the head.

IMG_9689 famblog

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