Friday, April 22, 2011

Carson's 3rd Birthday

I know I posted a little yesterday about our day, but I have more to share!

I took this at the museum in the construction room. This was the first time I actually let him play in there because they have all real tools, sharp screws, real saws etc. He kept running in there so I carefully obliged. The safety glasses wouldn't stay on his face and he was cracking me up!

After we left the museum he slept in the car for the 15 minute ride to meet Carl. In Carson's world he thinks that means he has had his nap for the day. He wouldn't sleep at all when we got home, even though I sure wanted to! He played and played until about 4:30 when he sat down and wanted to watch a cartoon. After a minute he jumped up in the chair with Grandpa Dave and the next thing we knew he was out. It was adorable.
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We had the family over for dinner and cake. A few weeks ago we were at Target and I let him look through their cake book. He saw the tractor cake and from that day on he said he wanted a "front-end loader cake!" anytime you asked him about it. He's pretty easy so a tractor cake was what he got. And he LOVED it! One of the books we read is called I'm Dirty. It's about a tractor (duh). He reads it along with me so he knows all the words. When he saw his cake he started reciting the page that says, "a mud cake with dirt sprinkles and a scoop of rocky road." The cake actually had dirt sprinkles and I hadn't made the connection. He's sure a quick little boy. :)
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He couldn't keep his fingers out of the frosting.
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Grandma brought him home a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse banner and four balloons. Only two are alive right now. He thinks they are made to wrestle with...
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And then there's this. I asked my mom to get a quick photo of the three of us. When I saw us in the camera I could not believe how big I was! Granted I am 7 months pregnant, but I have bloomed a little more than I expected!
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Three Peas said...

You look fabulous Rachael! Can't wait to see pics of the new little guy!!!

Shannon said...

looks like he had such a nice birthday. and you look fab- as always!!!

The Smith's said...

Happy Birthday to Carson... I can't believe he's already 3!! You look adorable!