Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Photos: Day 5

Unfortunately, today hasn't been very much fun for Carson. Yesterday morning he started coughing out of nowhere and threw up all over in our bed. It was all mucus because he is still so stubborn about blowing his nose. He seemed to be fine for the rest of the day. Then after his bath last night it seemed like the steam broke some of it up and the cough started back up. We were getting him in his pajamas and he threw up again. He was obviously upset, but slept fine. But as soon as he woke up this morning the cough was right back on. It's one of those ones that you can hear coming from deep in his chest. The poor kid just doesn't feel good today. With all the energy he has on a daily basis it is fairly easy to tell when he isn't himself. He has moped around all day with a blank stare on his face. I took us out to walk around some shops and he slept the whole way there and back in the car, then just sat there in the stroller without much fuss.

After nap time he said he wanted to play in the back yard. I got the camera and he was laying on the edge of the sandbox.
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Then he went to the garage and said he wanted to ride his bike. (I can't go with him alone out front to ride his bike anymore. He is literally so fast that you have to run with him and that is totally impossible for me at this point!) He rode for a few laps and came right back inside. He didn't even know he was still wearing his helmet. He was standing in the kitchen for a while just staring at the TV. 
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We've at least had lots of snuggle time today...

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