Thursday, April 7, 2011

April Photos: Day 7

Carson still wasn't 100% today. We spent most of the day relaxing....which I'm totally not opposed to in my beached whale state. He took a three hour nap and we took our baths in the afternoon. Then we met Carl for Mexican food which was beyond yummy. Holy cow am I full right now though. 

This afternoon Carson helped me clean up. The good thing about the stage he's at with the new baby coming is that he looooves to help us do everything. Any time you give him a task to do he is right on it. Today he vacuumed the living room and then got distracted by the kitties. That gate is the one thing that protects them from "him". You can just tell how much they get annoyed that he is there. But he totally loves them and just stands there beckoning them to come play. Lily does take naps on the couch with us all the time though. She slept on us for a while today and he said, "Mommy, Lily is my kitty, huh?!"

IMG_9498 famblog

1 comment:

Grandma Susan said...

Carson has inherited Lily by default, I think!