Monday, April 18, 2011

April Photos: Day 16 & 17

This weekend was kind of a bust for photo-taking. Saturday we spent the entire day working on the office. We started taking everything out first thing in the morning, which included my computer. I quickly realized that I wouldn't be able to process any photos anyway so I just didn't take any. It was such a tiring process, but SOOO worth it. We went to our friends' BBQ / housewarming party for most of the day yesterday and painted the ceiling detail last night. The carpets cleaners are here now and the desk comes tomorrow. It will be so much work to get it all put back together, but I can't wait! The paint looks so good and it is such a sense of relief to be getting it all done. Although, my legs hurt in a way that I sure haven't felt in a very long time!

The only photo I took over the weekend was yesterday at the party. It was around Carson's nap time and I just figured a nap wouldn't even be an option for the day. Somehow he spotted Wall-E on their shelf and wanted to watch it. Wall-E has been our go-to nap movie for a few weeks now so I was excited to try. Sure enough, he actually sat down to watch it and suddenly he was out. At home he'll wake up with a door being shut too loud. We were shocked that stayed passed out for about two hours with so many people coming in and out and talking and banging. It was nice to visit and know he wasn't getting into everything! :)

Here was the little monster:

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