Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Photos: Day 25 & Carson's 3yr Check-Up

Yesterday afternoon we had Carson's 3 year check-up at the pediatrician. I was excited to get to go and meet the new doc in person since we had to switch them with the insurance change as well. Carson thinks the doctor is neat and told me he "won't be scared like Caillou" which I thought was so funny. 

We got in the room and the nurse told me to take off all his clothes and put a gown on him. You know, like the kind adults wear when we go for an annual. I thought that was super odd, but tried it out anyway. I put it on him and he immediately started tugging on it. I had to get a photo because he was so annoyed. He told me he couldn't wear it because it was "boring". He just started calling things boring in random situations so he obviously doesn't know what it means. It cracked me up though!

IMG_9814 famblog

His height was 38 3/4 inches and still 75%.
His weight was 33lb 6oz and hit 70%! He's been 25% for most of his life on weight so he's starting to even out.
Other than that he was diagnosed as a naughty little 3-year-old! :)
He did have to get one updated vaccine and he was so mad about that. He cried for a long time and wanted to call Daddy in the car. He whimpered in the backseat the whole way home. Then at bedtime when the bandaid had to come off we relived the entire experience. He knows how to milk it when he thinks it works to his advantage.

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