Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April Photos: Day 13

Carson has been begging to make cookies for a week now. I finally had to oblige and we got stuff for oatmeal cookies when we were at the store yesterday. When I went to get him out of bed this morning he first words were, "Mommy, are we making cookies today?!" He was fairly excited. I never have high hopes for myself when it comes to baking though. Let's not forget my last cookie incident.

He sure thinks he is such a big helper. Carl lets him sit on the counter while they make breakfast every weekend so he wanted to do it this time too. It just makes me so nervous though! He is so squirmy. And as if baking isn't already messy enough....we were both covered in flour by the end. But the only thing that matters is that I didn't screw up the cookies and they were actually good!

IMG_9646 famblog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe such a good helper!!