Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 53: Pleased

Quite pleased with himself, eh? You can see Lily in her bed down in the corner. She gets down low and tries to hide, but he always finds her. When he gets her to meow he thinks it's the funniest thing ever. He had dove over her and jumped back to laugh when I grabbed this photo today.
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And, he's still not sleeping in the crib.
I've tried the Ferber thing for the last few nights and days, but apparently he is not having it. After two nights of hardly any sleep (for both of us) and him refusing his crib naps altogether, I've got to try something else. Technically you're supposed to do it for 7 days, but he's getting worse instead of showing improvement and we're on day 3+. I think part of our problem is that we're going through some separation anxiety during the day and it's now carrying over to sleep. He can start to drift of with me standing there, but if I even shift my arm he wigs out. Walking away equals him standing right up and wailing until I come back, whether it is 1 minute or 10.  At this point.....I. Need. Sleep.   Ugh.

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