Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 42: Stow away

All weekend long Great Grandma Stonehocker kept telling Carson she was going to take him home with her back to Utah. I thought it was obvious she was kidding. To Carson, not so much. Sunday morning when they were getting packed up Carson went right up to pack up too. He literally stuffed his book bag with pants (no shirts or anything else) and told us we could come get him in 25 days. No amount of logical reasoning about what he'd be missing out there would get through to him. All he knew was that Grandma has a piano. Period. End of story. 

Poor kid got over it pretty quickly at least.

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I am adding this way late. I can't believe I totally forgot this day was our anniversary! I didn't forget on the day, but when I was posting pics I did. Oops!
Grandma Susan was so nice and watched both boys so we could go out alone. This was the first no-kid outing we've had since Max was born!  We went to lunch and a movie. Not too crazy, but nice either way. We even got a drink before the movie just because we could!
First time out without kids in over a year!! #anniversaryNo sippies in sight.

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