Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 30: Swinger

Yep, Max still naps in his swing. Or should I say, yep, the swing still holds big ol' Max. I made sure to buy a new swing before Max came that plugged into the wall since Carson's swing batteries died constantly. We couldn't use his after about 6 months because he was too heavy and it didn't have enough power. This thing has been awesome though!

I brushed up on a sleep book this weekend that said to "create positive associations" with the crib. The crib is an instant negative right now. Lately if I even lower Max down into it he starts to flip out so we spent some time in there today playing. I tried letting Carson get in there with him to play so he wasn't scared. We have to get him sleeping in his crib! The sleep books also say to introduce a lovely, but neither of our boys have every taken to any kind of blankie, doll or anything. This frog was a birthday present for Carson this year and Max has seemed to give it a little cuddle once in a while. Froggie is going to have to start spending some cuddly time with us more often. It's the only option for a lovie I have available right now.

He's so peaceful when he sleeps. And he has the puffiest sleep lips.
IMG_7183 web

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