Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 18: Godzilla Baby

I forgot about this until late yesterday so I'm trying to remember where my head was with the photos!

The last few days have been filled with train tracks and lots of freaking out. Carson's pal Ava gave him a train set a long time ago, but he would never leave the track put together. He was just a little too young for it so we put it away after many frustrating attempts. On Wednesday morning he took two broken pieces from his car table to make a track on the floor and it hit me that we should get the train set back out. I'm not even kidding, he has hardly stepped foot outside for 3 days. This has kept his attention more than any toy in a LONG time. 

The bad side is that he keeps having meltdowns when Max even looks at any of it. He's convinced Max will tear it to pieces and render it useless. No amount of reasoning is helping either. Although, he sort of has a point since this is what Max has been doing. I call it Godzilla Baby.
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I took the photos for the day late so I had the camera in-hand when Carl got home. One of our favorite things is waiting for Max to catch a first look at Carl when he walks in the door. He starts dancing, screaming and clapping every time now. I'm not sure how I got this's at a strange angle and not perfect, but it is one of my very favorites ever.
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I also found this one that I didn't notice from day 17. Max has found his tongue lately and pulls it out at random times. Look at those neck rolls!
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We made a last minute trip to Home Depot last night before bed last night. Carson loves going there for the car carts. I took Max in the stroller thinking he wasn't big enough for the cart yet, but Carl found a smaller one with a more condensed seat. Max seriously had a blast. He was banging on the wheel and had a huge grin the whole time. I love seeing them get to do new things and have such innocent fun.
Max's first ride in the car cart. #babybliss

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