Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 15: Patience.

We are at the exact point with Max (I think to the DAY) that Carson slept through the night for the first time in his crib. It was right at 11 months 1 week. We tried the crib last night and lasted until about 3am with only....six wake ups. ::Yawn::  I must have loaned someone my sleep books and forgot because there's only one on my bookshelf. I know that tooth is still breaking through and he had a slight fever again. He is pulling at his cheek and I swear he's saying "ow" when he cries. I tried his morning nap in the crib, but he only slept 30 minutes. I figured I'd take the camera up when I got him. Poor kid does not like to sleep away from his mama. Not that I hate it, but when I need some freedom (like to work!) it is tough. I'm okay with sticking it out despite that zombie-like state that comes along with it. The crib will happen when he gives in. He's just like Carson was in that he is a "tension increaser" when he cries to sleep, not a tension releaser. If you let him cry he gets more and more upset to the point where you can't calm him back down which makes it a tough process. Self, have patience. But, I never regret co-sleeping with my babes.
IMG_6872 web
Nap 2 for the day (on me while I work). I end up taking instagram pics of him the whole time. :)
Bebe lips. #olloclip #macro
This one was last week, but I don't think I posted it here. His eyelashes make me so jealous.
Sleep smiles
Another from last week I didn't share here. Carson loves that we let them take their baths together now. Anything to keep him entertained!

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