Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 119: Kingston Peak


We were up bright and early Sunday morning to go four-wheeling. This was my first trip up in the Jeep since 8 months pregnant with Max! I haven't had any desire to go and wasn't ready to take Max yet, but this was a good time to get back at it. Max had a blast on his first trip and seems like he's going to follow right along with Daddy, Brother and the Jeep. 

We went up above Alice to Kingston Peak then dropped down through Apex and Blackhawk to come home. I knew some of the leaves would have started to turn, but I was blown away at how breathtakingly beautiful it was already.
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We always have to stop at the start of the trail to air down the tires so the boys and I took some pics and stretched. 
Max's first 4-wheeling trip!
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I agreed to let Carl turn Max's carseat around for the trail so I could see him and make sure he wasn't bouncing around too much. It was so weird to see them both back there! Max looked so big!
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At the top of the trail/peak you are way above the tree line and can look down on Loch Lamond Lake. There is also a huge mound of rocks that people bring up and leave with their name and date written on it as well as a flag and guest book. This one is really unique.
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I set up the timer so we could all get in a picture, but the one where everyone is looking is waaaaay out of focus. This one was in focus on the second try, but the boys aren't feeling it. It was crazy windy and freezing cold up there. I couldn't keep my hair down!
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We let Max explore, which meant completely ignoring his mother and trying to eat the rocks.
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We went up over a ridge and I wanted to jump out to take a wide photo of the valley. Then......I fell down. Hard core. Like, camera in one hand, stepped on an unbalanced rock and belly flopped. Carl said he turned to look at the boys in the back seat and turned back around to see me lying on my face. He thought it was an odd way to take a photo and then realized I was facedown and laughing. I haven't had a good fall in a while and this one hurt. I saved my camera somehow and managed to hurt my wrists, elbow and knees. We spontaneously laughed all the way back home. It was my turn for karma to catch up to me for laughing at everyone else who falls.
This was right after in the same place.
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This old cabin was just cool and Carl wanted a man pic.
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I wish I could say I mega Photoshopped these trees, but I definitely didn't. That is the actual color! It was spectacular in person.
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Then lots of sleeping on the way home. I absolutely hate not being able to lean their carseats back in the Jeep! This does not look comfortable....

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