Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 102: Pit stop


Our van had been in the shop for a week when Carl picked it up and found it still wasn't fixed. Thursday morning we had to get up and leave the house at 6am so we could get it dropped back off and take Carl to work. Luckily we live so far the other way that it didn't make sense to go home before preschool. (yes, I'm being sarcastic)  So we killed time at McDonald's. So dirty, yet so fun for the kids. 

Max looked at me with a cheese just as I took the photo.
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That afternoon his preschool had a back-to-school thing going on. Normally we go in the back door of the class and not through the actual school. As we walked down the hall I spotted this and giggled. I had to get this memory on camera.
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And randomness of Max. I am always so amazed at how well he plays by himself without a fuss at all. Carson never ever did this sort of a thing. Max just hangs out and keeps himself busy while I'm getting ready.
So patient.

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