Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 115: Cast take 2


We hit the one week mark yesterday of living with Carson's cast. We had a follow-up visit with ortho to either close down the spacers or get a new cast entirely. The first x-rays showed that there had been some angulation in the bones and that his cast was not tight enough at all. The doctor wanted to put a new cast on and try to mold it to force the bones back perfectly straight.
Time for cast número dos.

This time Carson wanted a black cast and was super bummed when he didn't get the tape again. He told them he wanted black and yellow so the assistant found yellow to give him a stripe for being brave. :)  I felt horrible while he was getting the new cast. There is a small window from when it is wrapped to when it dries. He was molding, pushing and rubbing all over the outside where the break was and Carson was bawling. I couldn't go hold him or anything and it was horrible to watch knowing how much it must have hurt. As soon as he was done the pain was gone again though. The bad-ish news was that the x-ray with the new cast showed that the molding did nothing at all. I guess this means he has already started to heal so the doctor can't do anything exterior at this point. He didn't seem too worried about it though. We go back in two weeks for a new short cast. 
I let him pick his new cast. Black and yellow, black and yellow! LOL

Carson was panicking before we left the house because he thought he would get another shot and didn't want them to touch his cast. I promised him if he was brave we could get McD's for breakfast afterward. He did awesome as soon as we got there. It's always getting him out of the house and into the car that is the challenge!
It was dark in this place!!! The poor little iPhone was not cooperating...
Promised McD's if he was brave....

But, let's not forget Max! :)  It was our first cold and rainy day yesterday in what felt like forever. That meant chili for dinner. This is the aftermath of a whole avocado and a ton of chili beans. This kid can put down some food! We call this look 'The Homer'.
IMG_1091 web

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