Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 111: Metal Master


Saturday morning started out nice with Carl getting up with Carson and me staying in bed with Max. Staying in bed typically NEVER gets to happen. Technically we were super sleepy because Max was screaming in his crib since the wee hours, but that's not the point, right?  Once he's in bed with Mom everything is good. I love this little guy. He's definitely going for Carson's "naughtiest" title though.
Sleeping in with my little bud.

We promised Carson we'd go out for the day because he had been cooped up in the house since Wednesday night. We started off by going to a big Snap-On event. Carson loves to play on Justin's Snap-On truck and Megan and I can chat while in the middle of Guy World.
Carson, showing off his VIP pass from the truck. LOL
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He turned into a total diva after being waited on for three days. Instead of a nice, "may I have a drink?" we get eyes up to the sky and a demanding, "Thir-sty!" He doesn't like to wear the sling, of course, but that dang cast is so heavy! Luckily he hasn't complained of pain at all and now is starting to say it itches. 

After the tool event we went to a car show, but I forgot to bring my camera in. Oh well!

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