Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 109: Nursing


So in the aftermath of yesterday, we are taking it easy today. There won't be any preschool today or tomorrow because we have to watch for swelling and keep Carson's arm elevated. I tried to reposition him during the night, but it was impossible to keep his arm up while he slept. He is a roller at night! 

He also isn't a fan of the sling and fought a little this morning when I wanted him to sit still with the pillow under his arm. I then found that the Boppy made for a great tool! haha
Max had to go be by brother which was so cute.
Nurse Mommy, reporting for duty. Who knew the @boppycompany Boppy works for elevation too??

First nap of the day at 11:00.......poor kid is being more calm than I ever ever imagined he would be.
Day o'snuggles and sleep.

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