Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 98: Mt. Bierstadt


Well, yesterday we attempted our first 14er, Mt. Bierstadt up Guanella Pass in Georgetown. Here in Colorado it seems like everyone hikes, bikes and does all of the stereotypical crunchy stuff you think of with Denver. Me, Carl, the boys, my mom, Christy, Andy and Dustin all headed up the what was supposed to be one of the easier 14ers to hike. This scenery could not have been any better. In the end we didn't make it nearly as far as I'd hoped because of the boys, but it was wonderful either way. At one point Carl stopped and said we were "so Colorado" on a 14er, wearing a baby and drinking out of Camelbacks. hahaha!

On the drive up I rode in the back between the boys. My sleepy little companions.


The hike was made more difficult for the fact that Max was strapped to me while climbing. I'm a wuss and he's crazy heavy. I wore him for the first half up, Carl took him for the second half up and I wore him for the full way back down. He definitely had the best seat in the house! Carson tried giving up a ton of times, but eventually made it most of the way on his own.
Hiking with the fam today!

The highlight of the hike was as soon as we got going. We looked up to the lake we were heading for and realized there was an enormous moose swimming in it! This was one of the coolest things to see in the wild. After we came back down there were two of them. Christy got the best pic of it here:
Just a swimming moose. No biggie. #mtbierstadt #colorado

Max REFUSED to leave his hat on. Apparently we lost it, didn't even know it, someone hung it on a bush and Dustin found it long after we left!
Up above the trees. What a view!

Then a well-deserved amazing BBQ lunch. Mmmmmmm.....Brisket.......

Then we headed to Carson's favorite park in Idaho Springs. We needed to get ahead of the tunnel traffic and were waiting for the rest of the family to finish the hike. The four of us left long before they were done because of the kids. This playground is build right along a river and one of the most fun places up there!
Max is discovering a whole new world of playing now that he can walk!
And a day of play wouldn't be complete without ice cream.

We're officially Coloradans! :)

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