Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 94: Together


Carson's preschool is off on Wednesday's this year so we had the first day back and then the next day off. So weird. But just about everyday I still can't help but sit down for nap time with the boys. I always have a million things going on with work and my business and sometimes it's hard to mentally take a break when I know I could be getting stuff done. But I welcome the quiet time and feel like it helps them bond too. I posted these pics on instagram yesterday saying that I know I'll regret it if I don't do this now. They grow so fast and it's making me super emo lately! I'm learning a lot about myself and about how my only regrets in life are regrets. Soul searching is good and taking time to weed out anything that isn't important to your family can't do anything but help. 

My point is......I love nap time with my babies.

What work? #familyfirst
Funny dreams?

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