Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 72: Let it be

I am always amazed at how well Max plays by himself. I know that we didn't have nearly as many toys for Carson as a baby and I was much more of a hoverer. If he would pull everything out I would try to clean it right back up, even though that was pointless. Yesterday Max pulled most of the toy bins down and all the toys out and sat in a puddle of plastic. I let him be until he decided he was done.
My motto this time around is definitely 'if they aren't crying and aren't getting hurt, leave them alone'.
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I tried to take a photo of Max and he made the funniest face. I then realized Carson managed to get something in front of the camera...which he totally did on purpose. Mysterious, right? haha
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And another nap time shot.
More sleep. #nofilter

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