Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 78: On the right track

Well, I am at least caught up on posting everything as I actually write TODAY'S post today! haha

The biggest, most exciting, don't want to jinx it news of today.........
Max has slept all night in his crib for two whole nights!!!!!

Now to most people that should have happened from day 1, but we do it a little different in our family. I tried to get him in the crib two months ago and after many nights and weeks of fighting I decided to take a break to try again later. Then on Saturday night we went out to dinner with friends and got home late-ish. We skipped baths and decided to just put him in the crib and see what happens. He cried a little here and there throughout the night, but would fall right back to sleep without me having to go to him at all. Last night he did even better and didn't fully wake up until 6:30 when our louder-than-life garage door woke him up. 
Please, for all things in this universe that want me to be a living and awake human being, let this be the real thing.

We then got right up and ready to go to Carson's 4-year check up. Originally we weren't going to have a check up this year, but he had to have one for preschool. I wasn't expecting shots so I told him he wasn't getting any. Well, he actually need 4. Oops. I guess our doctor likes to give them before kindergarten so we got them over with. The poor kid told him he'd be brave and screamed so freaking loud while they actually were done. Right after he was so sad and didn't want to have a picture alone. It was too cute with the tears and the bandaids so I scooped him up and we took one together in the mirror. He told me in the elevator that the bandaids made them feel better. :)
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To make it up to him, and because he has been listening really well for the whole weekend, I took him to play at Lollipop Park. Unfortunately there were only two other kids there and they both left early. On a positive note for him, the train was working this time.
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Then I had to do a little location scouting and he graced a photo with his amazing modelness. He's wearing my sunglasses and quite the grumpy face. He was ready for a nap at this point.
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Max was there too, just with me or in the stroller so he didn't make it in the pics today.

Max with Daddy on his new motorcycle!
The boys are their new toys.

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