Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 75: Cheeky Babe

So along comes Friday after thinking Max was either sick or teething all of Wednesday and Thursday. He seriously hardly slept AT ALL for nights and nights in a row, and so neither did I. Friday morning he seemed better, but by his morning nap he had this ghastly thing on his face:
IMG_9241 web

After much googling we came to the conclusion that he most likely had fifth's disease. Sounds much worse than it was after the fact. It is also referred to as "slapped cheek disease". I wonder why....

Can't this kid just get normal colds???????  The red patch went away by the afternoon and he came back to the old Max. Of course that night we also found a new molar totally through on the top that I had no idea was there. Teething screws with my head so bad!

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