Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 90: Beaver Creek


I'm behind 4 or 5 days of posting here! Yikes.

Since my birthday last week was on a Wednesday we planned on going for a drive and celebrating on Saturday. It seemed like forever since we went up and did a family thing instead of 4-wheeling. Over 2 years ago we got diverted through Beaver Creek when there was a wreck on the freeway, I think when coming home from Moab. Ever since I've wanted to go back because it looked gorgeous. I looked up the resort and found they had a ton of restaurants and even a children's museum going on for free. The summer months are quiet up at the resorts, but that's kind of nice. Seriously, Beaver Creek Resort DID NOT disappoint. It really felt like you walked into Little Switzerland. I could spend my life in there!

I wish I would have taken photos of the actual property and resort. I must have been too in awe. This was a quick one driving up the main road in.

We had lunch, aka the best pizza EVER that I'm still craving, and walked around for a long time.
Max at lunch was fascinated with stealing Carl's hat.
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Showing his tongue

There is an adorable old German guy who walks around playing this horn. Carson was being super shy until he offered him a little green hat.
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He let Carson blow in it with the mouth piece off and then told him to go look in the end. As you can imagine, when he looked the guy blew the horn and scared the crap out of Carson. haha
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Then we headed up to the children's museum. I had no idea what to expect, but it was a real play room and awesome for free! I guess it's only open for the summer though.
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And the new news??? Max is walking! But walking means he decides to let go, puts both hands straight up in the air and squeals. He loved this place and was letting everyone there know all about it!
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I love Max at the bottom staring at Carson.
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Momma's boys. :)
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Then we left and headed back through Avon and Vail and then to Georgetown. We've been up the beginning of Guanella Pass many times, but it's always been closed for snow. Right now it is open so we took this MUCH more scenic way home. We got a little rain and had to put on jackets. Man it feels good to be on top of the world!!!
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