Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend in iPhone pics: Boondocks birthday and wheelin'

We took the boys to Boondocks on Saturday for the birthday party of Sophia from his class. We had a lot of fun, but I thought the highlight was the cake. This thing made me laugh out loud. The girls were in love. Everyone fought over a piece of his hair! hahaha

His hair tastes like strawberries.
Partying it up. Birthday style.UntitledUntitled
Saturday's storm
Storm a brewin'

Sunday we took the Jeep out to a wheeling field really close to our house that we never even knew existed. I hated the enormous hills, but the boys loved it.
Wheelin' in the burbs.
Then we went to a playground. Max threw a total tantrum when I took him out of this swing. Apparently he was having fun. I tried to get him to wear some sunglasses, but he wasn't having it.Get these glasses off of me!

Here are a couple more random instagram photos I didn't post here this week.
Sir Chubsalot
Superman undies and a cape
Superman undies and cape action.

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