Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 3: Quarantined

Yesterday was defined by tears. Max cried NON-STOP from midnight until bedtime yesterday, aside from the times he would doze off in my arms. We were awake at least hourly last night too. I thought it was teething at first, but boy was I wrong. Folks, our house welcomes hand, foot and mouth disease. I have heard of it in the past, but never experienced it with our kids. Carson was acting sick Saturday afternoon around the time of the birthday party and had a horrible fever that night. He also complained of a headache and that his cheeks hurt all through Monday. When I looked up the signs it only came back to coxsackie virus, or hand, foot and mouth disease. It normally presents with big sores though so I wasn't convinced If it was that there is no treatment other than time so we just waited. He was fine by Monday afternoon. 

Yesterday while Max was in absolutely misery I leaned him back to look at his tooth. Instead I found white sores on the back of his throat. All his symptoms came back to coxsackie too. I then noticed his feet had little red dots all over them. Now he is getting red dots on his cheeks today too. The drool has been out of this world and the crying has been incessant. This is like no other sickness we've ever had. He has the exact list of symptoms with this thing! The poor guy has hardly eaten anything because his mouth obviously hurts. He is barely nursing and solids make him livid. I'm not kidding when I say I did nothing yesterday but try to comfort him while he screamed or be silent while he dozed. Today he has tried to play a few times, but mostly just wants to be in my arms. You can tell he'll feel okay for a second and will then feel it and scream again and again.

So. We are now quarantined. I will see you all in the real world in another day or two......
This is the saddest face. I turned for two seconds to find the snot and drool had returned where I had just wiped it off.

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Poor Carson is bored out of his mind. We went to the park today, but couldn't stay long. Luckily he discovered Mario Cart on the Wii and has been playing that a lot. Now it's raining so the backyard isn't even an option. He is being extremely patient and caring for a 4-year-old though.
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These are phone pics from yesterday. The grumpy face and when he had passed out right on my chest for a minute.
Grumpy frozen waffle. It's going to be a LONG day.He sleeps.

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