Monday, May 21, 2012


This started out innocent, but quickly went into "we're going to fight to the death to see who has to clean him up".

To start you can see that Max has found "the tunnel". The tunnel is the section in our island that we never baby-proofed because it gave Carson somewhere to play without wanting to get into the other cupboards. Now the tunnel is the first place we check anytime anything is missing. The tunnel has been the source of a lot of naughtiness, but it isn't the tunnel's fault. Now Max found it and keeps climbing in there. It wouldn't be an issue other than he goes in one side and FALLS OUT the other side. There is nothing graceful about it. He falls straight out on his head.

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It was time for avocados so I pulled down the jammies and skipped the bib. What's the point, really?
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Then I realized I was slacking and let him get a little too close....... I'll learn one day.
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