Friday, May 28, 2010

Butterfly Pavilion

We went to the Butterfly Pavilion in Broomfield this morning. I took Carson last year 
when he was still too little to really know what he was looking at so I thought we'd try again. He ran around and had a ton of fun. He still wasn't too interested in the butterflies, but liked it. The thing he liked the most was the dumb fish tank. I almost went to the aquarium instead and now I think I should have. He went back to this spot over and over again. It made for cute photos though!!

He got really excited to find the butterflies that had landed on the ground. Unfortunately he actually tried to stomp this one. In front of a group of people. And I was mortified. 

I didn't get to take many pictures of the actual butterflies because any time I stop and take my eye off Carson he is GONE. They are everywhere in this place though!
I don't remember seeing any turtles last time, but Carson was in love with this guy. He was yelling at him and wanted to pet him.

And this was my favorite flower. I just thought it was so neat to have purple stems and green tips.


1 comment:

erin said...

that's allium! When it drops it's petals, it leaves that green bulb thingy.. Which is kind of nice, because they still look kind of showy after they are done blooming. We have them in the front yard.