Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Day Week. Huh?

We had so much stuff going on last week. We had a big BBQ with a ton of friends (way more than I thought were coming...) and watched UFC. I tried to have a good time and didn't take out my camera much at all that day. But Megan and Justin brought over Kito and Lola to play and Carson had a ball with them. He kept trying to throw the tennis ball to Kito, but would throw it back over his shoulder. Kito wasn't too pleased and gave up on Carson. Haha

Megan says Lola rarely lets you take a picture, which was true, but she is such a pretty and sweet dog. I got a couple of them while they were sleeping in Luke's new big boy truck.

Then on Monday Carl's step-dad Dave, his wife Carrie and Carl's little brother Jordan drove out from Utah. They all love it here and it's a good break for them when Dave gets some time off. This was their third trip out since we've lived here! On Tuesday we all went to the pool for the first time. Carson jumped in feet first and was totally in his element. I'm so glad he isn't scared of the water at all. We used his floaty from last year which was a tad small for him now, but it worked great still.
Carl was behind him in this pic, you just can't see him. We didn't just send him out alone. :)

This Saturday we went up to Loveland to the Good Guys car show. Apparently there were over 2,500 cars there. Everywhere you turned there were more and more cars so you couldn't even get a grip on how many there were. They were all from before 1972 (I think).
This one was a fifty-something BMW Isetta. It had a motorcycle engine in it and was sort of adorable.

It was REALLY hot that day though. Carson actually laid down in the stroller the entire time which was a shocker. He always refuses to lay back, but he just chilled and watched everything.

He still hasn't quite mastered the art of straight sunglasses yet. :)

And just because I can't not share this..........apparently a vendor of outdoor chairs thought this was the best choice of doll to put in their product. This has got to be the scariest. doll. ever. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Looks like you had a busy weekend. Love all the pictures, except for the scary doll. That is a scary. LOL!!