Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm a new woman!

I got LASIK on Saturday!!!!!!!! 

I was tired of watching everyone around me getting it done (including my mother) and I was getting super jealous. :)  I decided just to go get a consultation to see if I even qualified before I made my mind up. Sure enough I was good to go and so it took me a few weeks to work up the nerve to make the appointment. 

It was one of the scariest things I've ever done and honestly, I think I'd rather have ten more babies than do it again. It was not fun at all. But I survived and I can see!!!!! My eyes are still pretty tender and I am on guard with Carson around. I've been avoiding holding him etc. because he really likes smacking me without warning. 

Nap time! You know you're jealous..... (I can't believe I'm posting this. haha)

Carl was so good over the weekend though. He took me and my mom to our appointments and took Carson to play while we were there. Then we came home, Carson napped and Carl took him to the zoo in the afternoon. It gave me a chance to rest. Then yesterday Carl, Carson and Luke went up to Saxton Mountain for the day. I was bummed I couldn't go, but I had to go to a follow up appointment and needed to rest some more. 

They had such a good day though! Carl came home with tons of pictures from his camera and Carson is still talking about the mountain, Jeep and four-wheeling. 
Apparently it was still very wintery up there. These pictures of the clouds right across the way look so neat.

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Congrats on getting LASIK!! Isn't it wonderful?!? I got it back in March and wouldn't trade it for the world. I love not having to worry about contacts.