Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day - 2010

Happy belated Mother's Day to everyone!

We were originally going to go for our annual Mother's Day drive up in the mountains on Saturday, but plans changed. We will be heading up next weekend instead. We got word from Carl's Grandma, Ginger, that she was finally going to be coming out to Denver to see everyone. Then Carl was asked to work on Saturday so it we figured we'd just wait until next weekend. 
But, on Sunday Ginger and Gary decided they'd like to go for a drive so we just took off with no plans. We were hoping Carson would nap all the way there, but he barely slept 30 minutes for the entire day. He was so excited that we were out and he had so much fun. He's still talking about "Great Grandma and Uncle Gary". 
He fell asleep like this in the car though:
We ended up in Georgetown and found a cool lake that was still frozen. Ginger couldn't really walk down to check it all out so we just took it in from up top and headed back. We will definitely be going back there this summer. It was gorgeous since the water was right up against the mountain and there were tables, trees and "beaches" all along it.

Ginger was beyond excited to get a photo of "four generations". :)
We found a really neat playground there in Georgetown. He played for a long time in the sandbox and we couldn't get him to leave it! I got a very quick Mother's Day picture with him though.

Carl wanted to mow for the first time this year when we got home. Carson ran around like a mad man outside until bedtime after being in the car for so long. 
He had a blast "helping" Daddy and then running away when it surprised him.
I even got him to stop for a huge CHEESE!

For my random photo of the day...this is from the tree along our driveway. I never know what it will end up looking like. The first year it was all white blossoms, the second year it did nothing at all and this year it looks like mini pink roses. Today it looks like half the tree has all opened up so I'll have to go back out for another stage. This is the same tree you can see with the bee from a few posts ago.

And I have to share my Mother's Day card from Carson. Carl took him to the store without me knowing so they could get Mom and the Grandmas their cards. Carl said he set him down in front of the right section, but he only wanted to run off and get different ones. Apparently he was sticking with the ones he picked. He picked my mom a graduation card with cows and Ginger got a birthday card with kittens. 
This was mine:
Carl couldn't stop laughing about them. He said Carson was so excited to "give Mommy bunnies". They brought my card to me in bed and Carson was pumped to get a sticker (that's the big blank circle). It was perfect! haha

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