Monday, May 10, 2010

Carson's 2-year Check Up

We finally got to take Carson to his 2-year doctor's appointment this week. There was some weird situation with insurance requiring our appointments to be a certain amount of time apart so we had to wait way too long. 

Anyways, everything was good. Doc said he is growing like a weed and seems right where he should be. He is still 75% for height at 35 1/4 inches tall, but he reached 50% on weight at 27lb 6oz! He has been 25% for weight at every appointment in his little life so at least now I know he is getting some food in that belly.

I also asked the doctor how I will know when his 2-year molars are coming in. Carson doesn't let me look in his mouth at all so I just assumed they aren't here. He laid him down, looked right in and there are both of his bottom molars! I was so surprised. They are both half-way out and I had no idea.

And for a photos......on Friday I brought up two sets of blocks and letters to play with. I like to keep them in the basement because he makes such a huge mess by dumping everything out everywhere. If I bring them up randomly it seems to keep them fresh and he can't just terrorize the house with them. 
While he was playing he dumped them out, but then started to put them all back in the bag. As he was doing it he started singing, "clean up, clean up, everybody". I couldn't believe he was singing the clean up song! I have sang it to him, but he's never sang back. This time he just started saying it all on his own. I am thinking they may sing it at daycare...
Here are his cute loooooong legs in his jail jammies. He's super flexible, unlike his father.
And the "before" hair-do. (He got a haircut over the weekend.) :)

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