Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Drive to Granby

We got up early on Saturday and headed up to Granby for a day drive. Granby is about 40 miles north of Winter Park. They have Lake Granby and Grand Lake right there which were supposed to be beautiful. I seriously LOVE mountain lakes so I was hoping for some good scenery. It was only in the 50's down here so we all figured it would be colder and bundled up. When we actually started getting toward our destination it became winter. It ended up snowing/raining pretty much the entire time we were up there. It stopped for a few minutes while my mom and I were in some shops so the boys were able to play at the lake and at a playground. It was all so pretty though. I was just bummed because this meant I got almost no pictures. It was coming down hard enough that I just wasn't comfortable taking the camera out in it. I got a couple from the car though. 
I call this "boob mountain".
This is looking out to Grand Lake. It was literally this gray and foggy. You couldn't see anything through the fog and rain or snow.
We were hoping for somewhere good to have lunch and found Fat Cat Cafe. It was one of those cool little spots that the owners are married and right there to greet you. She had a thick (I think) English accent and called everyone "daaaaling". They had an awesome breakfast/dessert buffet and there were other kids there so we were at home. I am always trying to find places like that and get so sick of chain restaurants.
Other than that, I didn't really get pics of anything else. I got a few of Carson under an awning that turned out cute.
He napped in the car each way which was nice. I love his tired face. We call it "puffy face".
Then........he saw that we had candy up front. He has been getting such a big attitude and started the whole 'mine!' thing. He flat out demands that you give him what he wants and will yell, "Give it to me!". This time we weren't giving in and he threw a totally fit. He cried and cried and wouldn't stop so I decided I'd take pictures since he was just being a brat.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

The pictures are so pretty, it does look really cold there.

I love the pictures of Carson crying, it just melts your heart especially when they get tears in their eyes.