Friday, November 23, 2012

The lost photos: 2011 trip to Utah

Oh my. I went back in my files to try and find this family photo and realized I never ever posted any of these last year! They were all finished and sitting there in a folder, but never made it on the blog. We made a trip out to Utah last year over Labor Day weekend.
Max is soooo little here, only just over two months old!
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Keeping Carson busy next to me in the hotel room while I got ready.
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Great Grandma Stonehocker loves!
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Max was originally due on June 23 and my grandpa's 80th birthday was June 22. We obviously couldn't travel back at that time to celebrate so my grandma set up a big dinner for the weekend we would be there at the Timbermine.

Me, Max, my grandma, Carson, Isabella, Aunt Erma
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This was ligitimately the darkest room I've ever tried to take a photo in. I pushed my camera as far as I could and the photos were still so dark and grainy!
Carson used to love wearing Grandpa's reading glasses.
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Uncle Bob, Aunt Janet, Aunt Marie, Carl, Carson, Isabella, Nick, Grandma Stonehocker, Me and Max, Grandpa Rick (my dad), Aunt Erma, Uncle Prett, Grandpa Stonehocker
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The monsters on the way home. This was not long after we got our van so the TVs were still new and the funnest thing ever.
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