Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 166: The biggest hugs


Technically Carl had the day off today, but spent the morning in a training class. We went and met him for lunch because Max took an early nap in the crib (yay!) and so we could be out around lunch time. 

Silly and adorable shot of what we call "the biggest hugs". When Carson is being grumpy you just tell him that you don't want the biggest hugs and he turns into a giggling mush ball.
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And I only take this photo of Max eating because it is something new for us and a quirk I love. Carson still to this day will not dip anything in anything when eating. He JUST started letting us give him ketchup with a hot dog or corn dog. All the baby books say to give them fun things to dip food into to help them want to eat, but not our child. So I never even thought to offer anything to Max until he started wanting what I had. Now he demands it anytime we eat. I have been making him lunches around being able to give him a dip. He had already eaten at lunch today, but a chicken nugget and ranch made him as happy as ever. You know he's happy when he starts doing kissy lips and offers kisses the whole time he's eating.
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Some of my precious bug during his nap today. Normally he naps in the swing or on my lap so I can't take any pics of him.
Thankful Day 2 // Naps. Enough said. #cm30daysofthanks
Fist dimples!

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