Monday, August 29, 2011

Max - 2 months old

Boo. Our Mini Dude is officially 2 months old. It's like he just came into our lives and like I've known him forever. Max is still the most amazingly calm baby. He really is what I hoped he would be, but didn't think we'd be so lucky. He wakes up, wants to eat right away, spends a while playing and talking to us and goes right back to sleep. He rarely ever just cries like Carson always did. I don't think we've had even one instance where he was crying and we didn't know why or couldn't comfort him immediately. He really doesn't cry unless you take too long to feed him! I even took him to a girl's dinner downtown on Saturday night and he didn't make a peep the entire time. I sort of don't know what to do in these situations because of our normal experience with Carson, even now.

He is so much fun to have around. For as much work as it is having a second baby he has made it so easy. Three times this week he slept in his bed from 8:30pm to almost 2am! For a breastfed baby that is WAY more than I could ask for! I'll pull him into bed with me when he wakes up for the first time, he eats for a minute and then usually doesn't really wake up to eat until around 5am. I haven't even felt that tired. (Except for today because he tossed and turned last night for some reason...)

He's getting so big. I just started putting him in 3-6 month outfits and they fit! I had Carson in some newborn sized outfits until he was 3 months old!
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Carson has turned into a total ham. He wants to be in every photo I take now. You can see how Max feels about that. He gets such a serious face when he sees the camera.
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We started getting real big belly laughs out of Max this weekend. I was able to get some on video. I absolutely adore this boy.

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