Monday, August 1, 2011

The last few weeks

I have a lot of random photos to post so here they all go!

We went to our neighborhood block party two weekends ago. We've actually never gone in the 4 years we've been here so this was a first. They had a fire engine last year so that was a big selling point for Carson this time. He has been talking about fire and firemen all the time lately! I figured it would just show up for a minute and the kids could look at it. But they stayed for a long time (until they got called away) and let the kids play in the hose water. If I would have known that I would have dressed Carson in his swim trunks, but he couldn't have cared less. He and Dustin jumped right in the action. This went on for quite a while and Carson took more than his fair turns at the hose.
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Here is my beautiful mama and Max.
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The new smile phase is the BEST!
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Crashed out on Daddy's chest. Complete with some spit up. I think we'll keep Carl around.
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Max had fallen asleep on me in the Boppy. I transferred him to Carl and he didn't budge. I made him freeze for a photo.
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 I looooove getting good pictures of Carson's eyes.
This one is a little extreme, but it's pretty cool too.
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This one is from the first few days at home, but I just never posted it.
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 I'm seriously so glad that we have cameras in our phones now. There are so many photos that I snap with my phone everyday that I never would get to capture since I don't always have my real camera close!

One of the best parts of Carl's job is that we get to meet up with him for lunch whenever he's close by or we are out and about. Carson wants to be just like his daddy. I looked across the table and couldn't stop laughing when I saw he had put his sunglasses on the back of his head like Carl.

Getting ready for bed with my little snuggler.

Carson put on just SOME of the hats my dad brought for his 3-day visit.

Max's first bath with the same towel we used for Carson's first bath. :) Max absolutely loves it. Carson used to cry all throughout bath time as a baby and Max doesn't make a peep. He seems to like to be warm.

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