Saturday, July 31, 2010

An adorable first

Yesterday Carson was running around and I made an attempt to get him to sit and watch a movie for once. That didn't happen at all. So he was in the backyard and my good pal Josey called. We were chatting about her wedding plans, Carson came to get me and I told him to hold on for one minute and we'd go lay him down for a nap. A few minutes later I realized he had gone in the living room, but it was quiet. I jumped up thinking he was actually watching the movie and I found this:

This is literally the first time since he was a baby that he has fallen asleep ANYWHERE other than the crib or the car. It seriously melted my mommy heart. He is getting to be such a big boy. 

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Aww how cute! And he has his cheerios next to him in case he wakes up hungry.