Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let me do it!

So, our child has become an independent person apparently. Every other thing that comes out of his mouth lately is along the lines of, "No, let me do it!", "No, let me try!" or "No, give it to me!"
He has to do up the car seat straps himself, walk up or down the stairs by himself, get his own ______ himself etc etc etc....including getting in the highchair by himself. Don't you dare try to pick him up, or else! (Which also means the highchair is one more thing we've added to the office since he uses it to climb all over the kitchen counters and get anything he can reach out of the cupboards.)

We also had to add a THIRD lock to our door at the very top. He uses the bench to undo the chain and throws stuff out the door when he can't just get the chain off. This one he can't reach. For now. I refuse to be that mom whose 2-year-old ends up at the neighbors and doesn't know about it! :)

The other "fun" thing he's discovered is that his crib is now an art project. One day recently he realized there are stickers above his crib. It's been all downhill from there. Every time I get him from sleeping now he has a blue dot on his forehead.
Another new development in his world is that he has really discovered bugs. He has brought me dead bugs and makes me come look anytime he finds anything. One highlight was a day last week when we were all sitting on the porch watching a storm. This cricket (maybe?) landed on my shirt and he thought it was so cool. Since I had a sweater on I was brave enough to snap a shot before I shooed it away. haha  Doesn't it look like it has a smiley face??

 And for over a month now we have had a frog living down in our window wells. I say wells because depending on when you look he can be found in two different ones. We see him go under the lining so there must be a tunnel connecting the two down there. The first time we saw it was when I was fishing toys out from the basement window and it scared the crap out of me. I almost touched it and screamed like a little girl!
Carson loves looking for him and yelling "wwwwRibbit!" 
(And that shovel is just one of the 20+ things he has dropped down there so far. I give up.)

This was last Sunday. Once again I'll say I seriously love the skies out here. I think I've figured out why too. Growing up in Utah made it so you only saw at most half of the sky at any one time since we were right against the mountains. Out here it seems so vast and it's a totally different perspective than I've ever had before.

I'll end this post with some Grandma love. Awww.

Carl heads to Dallas for a week on Sunday so that should be interesting. Wish me and Grandma luck! :)

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