Friday, August 6, 2010

Gettin' jiggy wit it

Last night we got out of the house for dinner so Carson was being really silly in the car. Carl decided to give me a headache and turn on the techno channel. Blech. The upside is that it looks like Carson likes it like his daddy. It makes him dance...aka makes you completely dizzy to watch. :)  And you can see a pretty good mad face at the end.
Other stuff from the week:
"Funny" faces! Sort of.
One night the boys decided it would be fun to put EVERY car in the car table inside of Carson's shirt. Carl then held him upside down while they all rained out which Carson loved. 
But I snapped this pic and when I saw it I couldn't believe how old he looks! Not my little baby anymore. :(

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Too cute! Love the punch dance. LOL!!