Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Potty training, take 1.

I got the bug last week that it was time to get serious about focusing on potty training. I am well aware of the whole "you can't force them" thing, but Carson has shown all the signs that he is ready. I would hate for my laziness to be the reason why he isn't going for it. He's had his potty chair for quite a while now, but we haven't had a schedule of sitting on it, we have just had it around when we felt like trying.  I have read a bunch and talked to the girls at his daycare. One of them said she got underwear for her son at Carson's exact age with his favorite characters. She skipped Pull-Ups altogether because he didn't want to go in his cool undies. I came right home and ordered some Thomas and Yo Gabba Gabba big boy underwear and patiently waited. 

They showed up yesterday during naptime. Carson spotted the boxes on the floor right when he came downstairs so it was really exciting for him to get to try them out. I have been stoked to potty train because of how ridiculously adorable his little bum would be in them.
He picked out Brobee for his first pair. They did not fail me on the cuteness factor.

He ran around the house in his new found Brobee undies and ate his favorite new treat, popsicles. 
I just love his pouty popsicle lips.

This all started around 3:00 and by bedtime we were in pair #6. He loves telling me AFTER he goes and he has yet to actually go in the potty. This morning it took two hours for us to be in pair #5 and I decided this apparently isn't the right approach for him. He literally gets off the potty and comes in the living room and pees. I switched back to a diaper and I'm trying to take him to the potty every 20-30 minutes. We really think that as soon as he goes that first time in the potty he'll get it, but until then I can't chase him around cleaning the carpets all day.

This was this morning with his jammies and his Caillou goes potty book. He thinks it's fun to be in there at least. I have stickers waiting for him when he finally goes which he's excited about too.

I'm open to any and ALL suggestions right now since I apparently have no idea what I'm doing. 
Anyone? Bueler?

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Too cute. I'm the 2nd oldest of 11kids and I have 6 youner brothers. My Mom would pour warm water on their wee wee while they were on the toilet and that would always help them pee. It's kind of old school but it worked for all of my brothers. Let me know what works so I can try it with Gavin in a year.