Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend randomness

We did a ton of random things this weekend. We watched movies, went to a St. Patrick's Day party, had dessert with some friends, went shopping outdoors since it was a gorgeous day yesterday and had some Wii golf tournaments. Oh, and my mom made us corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots for dinner last night. Man was it good!

Carl got a new helmet for the scooter and was messing with this old one. Carson thought it was hilarious on his own head.

We've pretty much been in teething hell for the last week or so. Last week he spent 4 days straight mad, screaming, not taking naps at all and waking up for hours at a time at night just screaming his head off. It looks like the tooth next to his top one is starting to poke through today so it should make an appearance any time soon. Wish us luck! :)

Mmmmm...egg yolks and cheese!

Oh, and I finally got my eyes checked and ordered new contacts and glasses yesterday! I have had the same glasses and pair of contacts for 3 years now. I wear hard contacts and needless to say, it is time for a fresh pair. I got glasses that are going to be much more dramatic than the ones I have now. I really wanted to change it up so hopefully we can get used to the new me! I'm lazy about putting in my contacts when I am just home for the day.

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