Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 1 Update

As I sit here, it is 7:06am, I had a full night's sleep and Carson is still in his crib!! He fell asleep last night at 8:00, woke up this morning at 6:00, I fed him and he fell right back to sleep in his crib. I honestly can't believe this is still happening!

::Insert Happy Dance Here!::

On Saturday I was sitting in the office and turned around to find this:

Let's just say he LOVED the chocolate pudding and was quite eager for another bite!

Then on Saturday afternoon, I was trying to put Carson down for his nap and he was acting really fussy. Out of nowhere I got a good glimpse in his mouth and he had cut a second tooth for the week! He cut the one on top next to his front teeth this week so I have really been checking his gums, but hadn't seen anything new. The one right below it next to his bottom teeth was poking out without any warning!

Oh, and I missed this picture from the other day and it made me giggle. Enjoy!

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