Monday, March 9, 2009

We really went out in public like this...

Guess who did Carson's hair on Saturday...Daddy.

I am holding out until just before his 1st birthday to get his first haircut. The hair on top is SO long that he looks like he has a baby toupee (the sides are still pretty short). Most of the time he has a comb-over because it hangs down his forehead if I just leave it.

Our friend's sister goes to culinary school and they had a big open house on Saturday morning. They had two huge rooms just packed full of free food. It.was.awesome. One room was all meats and "real" food and the other room was nothing but pastries and dessert. We all got totally stuffed. Then we stopped at Target and ran into the mall.

Some people looked at Carson and said how cute it was, but mostly people just stared with a bizarre look on their face. We thought he was adorable! :)


Tara- said...

Cute!! ha ha ha ha

The Smith's said...

Haha... that is too cute! Kaestin's first haircut was when he was 7 weeks old!

Three Peas said...

I find it funny people stared. I mean, come one, when else can you have a mohawk and not have to worry about consequences and be judged?

Although I guess they could have been judging you and Carl...