Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 162: Harvest fun


Carson's out of preschool this week so again I'm back to finding ways to be productive while keeping them entertained. Today we headed to a kids fair thing at a local garden center. The boys had an absolute blast. Carson got to go on a train and Max spent the entire time in a "sandbox", but with dried corn kernels instead of sand. I didn't have a desire to drive all the way out to the pumpkin patch again this year so it was a good substitute. Before that I had some killer savings at Target (I love saving money!) and we got lunch and a movie. Granted now I'll be staying up tonight to work, but I would be an idiot to complain. is Max's 1 1/3 birthday. Screw half-birthdays.
Max is 16 months old. :(

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He kept trying to pick these up and never attempted the small ones right behind him. Got to give him credit for ambition!
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And I must say I was a tad shocked when I came across this photo. In intense light like this I love shooting with it spilling into the frame. The boys usually don't cooperate though. I die over how big and handsome Carson looks here. He is turning into such a smart and lovable little man.
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