Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 158: Book Worm


Max has opened his eyes to the world of books.....and you'd better watch out. Whether you like it or not, you'll be reading and pointing out everything for as long as you can stand while he squeals, "whaaaaadat?"  Carson had a big board book of 100 first words at this same age and wore. it. out. Like, pages were all torn to shreds and we eventually had to throw it away. We couldn't remember what it was called and I randomly stumbled on it in the back of a stack at the store a few weeks ago. Sure enough, it is a huge hit for Max too. He opens the first page and immediately points to the picture of a motorcycle and says, "Ba!" for bike. He does the same thing every time we walk in the garage and he sees the motorcycle.

Thursday was a big snow day. Blah. I am not a fan.
Dropping the monster off and waiting for the doors to open.

When we get home Max gets some quiet time to play by himself. 
He loves to put on the fireman hat and cape and run. We have to yell "Super Max!" when he does it. :)
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And of course, the remotes are always being hunted.
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And then a snuggly nap.
My little Mr. Sleepypants.

On the way home from picking Carson up we had to stop for literally at least 50+ deer to cross a main road. It was fascinating to watch them all panic and follow each other right out across a big bend. Luckily everyone saw them and stopped on our side and no one came around the blind bend going the other way. Carson thought it was awesome to see a handful of them that morning, but this took the cake.
Breakable // Our cars would have gotten smashed if we hadn't all stopped to let at least 50 deer cross the road. Pretty cool sight though!! #cmglimpse

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