Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 150: Belly!


Last night was ROUGH. We put Max down at 7:00 since he was sick all day, didn't nap more than an hour total and was crashing in the highchair at dinner. When we came in for bed at 8:30 he woke up and was burning up with a fever. I decided to undress him and let him sleep with me, hoping he'd cool down and sleep. Not so much. He was so insanely hot and uncomfortable and we literally didn't sleep a wink until I put him back in the crib right at midnight. He slept for 45 minutes and woke up in a cold sweat since his fever finally broke. We did one more round of 45 minutes and by about 3:00 I just brought him downstairs to rock. He was keeping Carl up and wouldn't calm down at all when he tried. I hadn't slept at all so I figured I could at least watch TV. We ended up sleeping on the couch from 3:30-6:30 and I don't know how I'm functioning right now after the last two nights. I had a mini-meltdown on my mom last night because I felt sick from the lack of sleep!

He isn't back to normal today, has no appetite still and felt like he had a fever again a while ago. Ughhhhhhh!

We went back to the hospital today and Carson got his cast off for good. He still has to wear a splint for at least 6 more weeks, but it had made a lot more progress than I expected. I'm definitely paranoid though.....he has a legit broken arm and no cast on it.
Silly kid got his cast off today!

These photos were all taken right after we sat down for a nap and Max proceeded to barf allllllll over both of us. Yummy. That's why he isn't wearing a shirt and why he looked so camera-worthy. I don't ever just let him roam around naked, only because it doesn't occur to me, but he is so dang cute naked!
 He's so congested that he's gagging constantly and it finally got the best of him. This is when I love having Carson at this age because he jumped right up to get me paper towels. Well, I asked for paper towels and he got a roll of toilet paper in his panic. LOL
Max loves to torment Carson when he lays down and they were laughing so hard at each other today. (Carson's under that blanket.)
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Post-blanket hair:
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Devastation face
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We're deep in the "everything is a phone" phase.
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Lonnnnnnng night, hospital morning and finally a nap.

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