Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 154, 155, 156

10.21,10.22, 10.23.2012

Our weekend flew by and now we are just going with life. I have been struggling to work in between entertaining Max and remember this being a really challenging time with Carson too. Taking him to and from preschool has really screwed up Max's naps, which isn't helping anything, and I'm lucky to get one work break during the day while he sleeps at home. Granted all my work can be done at any time of the day, but it is sooooooo hard to stay up and work at night. Right now that seems like the best option since that's when it is quiet and I can focus.

I'm trying to stay positive, especially on an extreme lack of sleep. Max wasn't sleeping at all for the entire last week so hopefully we're on the up swing. But who are we kidding? I haven't slept a full night in WELL over a year. 

Sunrise from my window.
I'm always bummed that I can't see the sunsets from our house, but the sunrises totally make up for it. #nofilter

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