Friday, January 13, 2012

Preschool Days

We've about completed our first full week of preschool today. The first week was just two days and now we are to four full days every week. He cried with the saddest little quiver lip for the first three days when I dropped him off. Tuesday afternoon his teacher said they talked to him about not giving me a hard time when I leave. The very next morning he was a new kid. He gave me a kiss (on the hand), kissed his brother goodbye and was happy as ever. 

He's been talking non-stop about planning sleepovers with all the girls. Honestly, I have no idea what any of the boys' names in his class even are. And neither does he. I hope he ends up liking going all the time. My days have seemed so much longer lately! 

I took my camera with me on the first day to hopefully get a few photos of him out front. Somehow I forgot that I didn't grab my memory card and it was a pretty gloomy morning anyway. I brought everything Friday morning and he played along for a few minutes. He's such a little cheeseball and we couldn't adore him any more. He just looks so freaking big. :(  I can't believe we will have a 4-year-old soon!

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1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Oh my gosh! He looks so much like Carl in that last picture!!! Soooo cute!!